Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Does Your Style Have a Name?

               By:  Priscilla Wainwright

            As we state at, style is much more than how we dress.    It is the outward expression of who we are as persons.   It includes our behaviors, posture, habits, facial expressions, tone of voice, hairdo – the whole Magilla.

            Your “style” defines you as a person to others.   It’s the basis for that all-important First Impression that is set in the mind of the other person in the first few seconds.    It can subconsciously set the tone of a new relationship going forward.    We also know how indelible and fixed first impressions can be.    Right or wrong, fair or unfair, that’s how it works.

            Since your style defines YOU,  YOU need to define your style!    Doing so gives you that much more control over others’ impressions and attitudes about you.    Truly empowered Women of Style and Glory are intentional about their style and use it to advantage.

            I’m not suggesting that these women are posers, actresses, or phony.    Nothing of the sort!   Their styles are a reflection of their natural, authentic selves. That’s how it should be when it comes to dress – they just carefully put it all together.

            Now for the balance of this post.    I’m going to narrow the focus and refer to “style” in terms of dress.

            You probably know the classic terms for the general style types:   tailored, classic, dramatic, casual, Bohemian, etc.    There are also additional styles out there today:   Goth, Steam-Punk, “Mother Earth”, etc.    These terms all suggest style “categories”, with clothing, accessories, and maybe also make-up in each category having certain aspects in common.   Goth (Gothic) features a lot of black and white; Steam-Punk is full of metal buckles and snaps, etc.

            Some women tend to identify with one category, while others migrate across two or more categories, or blend them.

            Actually giving your style of dress a name helps you define not only the type of clothing you are likely to buy, but also it can reflect and enhance your self image.   (By “naming”, I’m not suggesting you call your style “Becky” or “Joyce” or whatever <…..>.)

            As for me, I work with women in all walks of life, some of whom are high-level professionals.    When I’m in the presence of the latter, I need to be dressed equally well.    Also, I have always worked in large urban settings.    Plus I like dressing up and looking sharp, even when casual.

            I’ve named my style “Urban Chic”.     Mostly it’s a cross between Classic and Dramatic, with room for some edginess.    Having given my style a name that reflects both what I like and how I want to be seen helps me make good choices when I shop.    It also is a little self-esteem builder and a reminder of how I want to come across.

            Try giving your style a name that reflects the above.    When you’ve done so, I invite you to share it with my readers in the comment section.    It doesn’t matter if other women come up with the same name.    What counts is that it works for you.    Posting your name may help other women come up with names as well.

            Love to hear from you.


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