Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to Grow Through Song Surgery - Draw back the curtain - Part 3

By  Priscilla Wainwright

If you’re new to my Blog, this is the third part of a series.  Please read the prior two posts before reading today’s post.

Now for the song itself:
                      “On a clear day, rise and look around you,
                        and you’ll see who you are.”

Cast aside the clouds of doubt, anger, frustration, busyness, self-limiting beliefs, and other things that distract you.  When you rise above all that, you will see your true essence, your greatness and fantastic worth.

Appreciate yourself tfor the fine person you really are at your core, the True You, unfettered by the burdens of daily life.

                      “On a clear day, how it will astound you,
                        that the glow of your being outshines every star.”

You are radiant, Woman of Style and Glory.  It’s who you are at your core. It goes with being female.

Problem is, over the years, our true radiance gets tarnished by disappointments, hurts, criticism, fears, abuse, and mistaken beliefs that limit and diminish our belief in and liking for ourselves.  Growing up in the Patriarchy also takes its toll. The Patriarchy sees women as lesser beings, and too many of us automatically buy into that.  The end result is that we lose partial or total sight of our innate Radiance and Glory, but it’s there anyway, just waiting to be released.

Tarnish on silver doesn’t destroy the silver. It just covers it up. Polish the silver, remove the tarnish, and the silver shines anew, just as bright as ever.

So it is with our Feminine Radiance.  It’s there. We just need to buff it up and release it.  Problem is, so many women have either a conscious or subconscious fear of becoming visible, so they don’t  let  their true glory shine.  They inadvertently let the tarnish continue to build. So sad.

                     “You’ll feel part of every mountain, sea and shore;
                       you can hear from far and near
                                       a world you’ve never heard before.”

When your radiance truly comes through, you’re living your authentic truth and you have reclaimed your true and rightful Feminine Power,  the whole world opens up for you.  You’ll have an expanded and expansive vision of hope and possibility. You will discover and know your place in contributing to the betterment of the world, however you choose to live out your passions and yearnings.

                   “And on a clear day, that clear day,
                     you can see forever and ever more.”

You’ll see a radiant, positive future perspective.  You’ll sense deep down within yourself that your passion and contribution will have lasting impact.  You will be able to sense what that looks like as you touch lives in the service of your passion and dreams –
            Your dreams turn into reality!

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