Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Take This Free Association Test

By:  Priscilla Wainwright

            You know how these work.    You are presented with a word, and you write down the first word or words that come to mind.

            Well, here we go.   Get a slip of paper and jot down the first 5 words that come to mind for this word:    MASCULINE.    Please do it before reading further.

            Got you list?   Put it aside or turn the paper over.   Now write down the first 5 words that come to mind for:   FEMININE.    Please do it now.

            Now compare your lists.   I’d bet that the words you chose for “Masculine” were words that reflected strength, such as “strong”, “tough”, “achiever”, etc.

            Now…what did you come up with for “Feminine”?   Are your words of equal strength or cultural “worth” to those you wrote for “Masculine”?   Or, were they “weaker” or of less cultural worth?   Words like “weak”, “emotional”, irrational”, “changeable”, etc.

            My research suggests men typically come up with strong-sounding words for “Masculine”, and weaker-sounding words for “Feminine”.

            How about women?   Sadly, many, if not most, women do the same.


            Our words reflect our attitudes.   The patriarchy devalues women and elevates men.   Men are touted as the superior beings, and we women are viewed as lesser.

            In the musical, My Fair Lady, Henry Higgins sang, “Women are irrational:   That’s all there is to that.    Their heads are full of cotton, hay and rags”.   While Henry overdoes it, he reflects the traditional patriarchal attitude:   masculine qualities are viewed as stronger, and therefore better, more desirable.   Women’s qualities are too often seen as deficiencies, weaker, or less than, or even undesirable.

            To the degree we elevate one gender over the other, we have been poisoned by the patriarchy.    This is true even if we value women higher than men.   We have been poisoned and we’re reacting.

            This can all be very subtle.   The words you chose themselves for “feminine” may not be weaker, but the characteristics you named may be of less “social value”.

            How do you rate women as a gender relative to males?    You may feel great about yourself, but consider the social value you put on women/femininity as a whole.   Are the genders truly equal in your mind?    If not, I beg you to rethink.    You really can’t be fully empowered as a woman if you hold men to be of more value. 

            Think about it!      Both genders need to wash such poison out of our blood.


Linda Joy, Publisher of Aspire Magazine (online) is hosting her 3rd season of " Inspired Living Secrets: Heart-Centered Wisdom for Thriving In Your Life and Business.
She will be hosting 24 live calls with 24 leaders in empowerment, spiritual life, entrepreneurship, &c. 
Plus there will be thousands of dollars wort of free bonuses offered by her guests.  And if you miss a call, you can catch the replay.  These speakers will be WONDERFUL.  I caught Series 1, and benefitted greatly. You'll love it!  Check it out at   http://bit.ly?1635M3b

AND.... Watch for our Back To School Sale on www.ScarvesStyleandGlory.com.  Coming up soon!

                            Have a Blessed Day




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