Friday, October 4, 2013

The 5 Unique Sources Of Female Power (which men cannot duplicate!) - Part 2

By:   Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

Last time, I discussed EMOTION as the first female power source.    Now for Number Two, which is closely related to Emotion.


            In the discussion of Emotion, I commented that women are more “rational” than men because we include emotion in our decision-making as a source of data.    This factor is a significant reason that “Women’s Intuition” is so powerful, and more often accurate and deep.    It is actually another form of intelligence.  

While Intuition, the ability to sense at emotional and “gut” levels the depth of what is going on and to “foretell the future”, may play a lesser part in “knowledge”, the acquiring of facts, etc.; it plays a huge part in “wisdom”, the understanding and integration of knowledge, human behavior, and circumstances to inform judgment.

            Intuition is a special, and particularly feminine, form of “knowing”.    It is somewhat mystical, the “6th sense” that is written about so frequently.    Again, as with Emotion, the thicker corpus callosum in the female brain facilitates greater communication between the brain hemispheres.    The fact that we are more right-brained than the typical man, gives us women an intuitive edge.

            Here’s the Power Progression which is at work:   Emotional Knowing + Intuitive Knowing = more Experiential Knowing = more Passionate Knowing.    We women use our whole selves as instruments of knowing, which makes our understanding more real and authentic.    Thus we transcend just factual understanding, into a more complete whole-brained and body knowing.

            A second brain-factor which facilitates women’s Intuition is the fact that the female brain is created for relationship.    As a group, therefore, we are much more aware of subtle social and environmental cues than men typically are.    This subtle, often subconscious awareness fuels our “6th sense” and make our Intuition more expansive and powerful.

            Here’s an example.    You and your guy were at a social event.     On the way home in the car you and he are discussing the evening.    You tell all kinds of details about what was going on, who was playing up to whom, etc.    All this goes right over his head.   He’s not dense.   He’s just thinking with his male brain, which is not as tuned in to social cues.   (In all fairness, if you were hiking with him in the woods, he’d probably be the first to notice the deer hidden in the thick underbrush.)

            Women’s Intuition is fueled by several components:  (A) Our whole-brained way of experiencing and understanding.  (B) Our brain’s ability to spot and read social cues.   (c) Our life experience.    The more familiarity we have about certain circumstances and types of situations, the greater our ability to intuit in similar situations now.   (D) Women tend to be better, deeper listeners and observers.

            Put all this together and we find that women can excel at decision-making:   (A) We typically look at and ponder every side of an issue, (B) We more frequently consider how others will be affected, and (C) We more readily talk things through, which adds to the pool of available data, ideas, thoughts, and opinions.   VOILA!   A more balanced and effective outcome with potentially sounder judgment.

            Now, granted, there are plenty of variations between individual members of each gender, so what I said about men and women cannot be taken as true in every case.    There are plenty of intuitive guys, and “dense” gals.   But in general, my comments apply accurately to the vast majority.

            "Trusting your intuition means tuning in as deeply as you can to the energy you feel, following that energy moment to moment, trusting that it will lead you where you want to go and bring you everything you desire" - Shakti Gawain

            Time to stop for today.   We’ve covered two of the Female Big Three power sources.    My next blog will cover the third member of the triumvirate.


Takai, M.    She-Q:   Why women should mentor men and Change the World.
                      Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2012

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