Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How To Reclaim Your Authenticity - Part 2

BY:   Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

CONGRATULATIONS!   If you have completed the Total Body Authenticity Scan, or at least part of it, you will have gotten in touch with some aspects of our Unique Greater Truth.

So now what?   New information without new action is of limited value.    The task now is to integrate your new learning into your daily life.   How much integration and change is necessary is up to you, of course.

The FIRST step is to determine your Ideal Unique Authentic Self.    Try to visualize how this authentic self would feel/act in your current life situation.   How would she show up?   How would she deal with your challenges, your joys, your key relationships?

SECOND - If it is not apparent by now, determine your disconnects.    Where, in particular, does your current behavior “miss the mark” from your Ideal Tigress?   Try to spell out specific attitudes or behaviors that need to change to align with your greater truth.

Chances are quite good that you will have identified (A) boundaries issues, setting limits, including saying “no” more frequently, (B) self-care and nurturance, (C) speaking up more about opinions and issues important to you, and/or (D) assertiveness, standing up for yourself more firmly.

THIRD -  Assess the sources and nature of potential push-back.    If you try to change, those closest to you may resist.   They may react to not having as much service, or not “getting off so easily” if they disrespect you.    You will need to be prepared to deal with it, so “advance planning” will be helpful.

The amount and nature of push-back can vary from mild resistance to physical violence and the potential end of a relationship.    The point is, “forewarned is forearmed”.   You have what it takes, Tigress.    You can do it.    Nothing, nor no one, is more important to you than yourself, Honey.   No one will take you more seriously than you take yourself!!!!

FOURTH – Get into Power Center.   Write out a statement, description, or even a character sketch defining your authentic self.   Write out positive affirmations or power statements that describe your new self/actions; e.g., “I harbor no rage and take no crap.   I always speak my truth firmly but kindly.   I respect myself first and foremost, as well as others.   I put no head above my own and I show up from a position of power” and so forth.

Read your affirmations to yourself several times a day.    Follow this with visualizing yourself acting from your Power Center and being your truth through your actions.   Keep your authenticity top of mind.

FIFTH – Put structures in place for implementing the necessary changes.   Given the nature of your potential push-back, you may need to go slowly, implementing one change at a time, rather than making sweeping changes all at once.

Plan your work, then work your plan.   Determine the specific changes or actions you will take.   Get started.   Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate change.   Keep at it.   The more you follow through, the easier it will become and the more results you will experience.   “Talent” has nothing to do with your success here.    It is consistency and persistence which will win the day.

In my next Blog, I will deal with how to develop the courage to get started.

Copyright 2013 Priscilla Wainwright. All rights reserved.


NEWS FLASH:    My article on “ How to have the Clothes Talk with your daughters”
has been published in this week’s Simply Woman magazine.  Here’s the link:

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