Friday, December 20, 2013

Tigress Habit # 4 - Harbor No Rage, Take No Crap

By:   Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

            This is one of the most important Tigress Habits because of its implications.

            Central to carrying out this habit is a very critical truth many people fail to recognize, let alone understand.   That truth is that each of us is the co-creator of our experience at all times.

            This means that, no matter what happens to us, ultimately we have both responsibility and choice as to how we will interpret the situation and respond.

            Suppose, for example, someone does something horrible to us totally without any provocation on our part.    A natural response is to feel hurt, perhaps betrayed, and to feel like a victim.   “They did this awful thing to me.   I’m a victim.   I can’t help my response (or I feel justified in sulking or retaliating).”    This is the “I can’t help it” response.

            The well-developed Tigress recognizes that she is capable of choice regarding her response.   She knows that, while she cannot always control what happened to her, she can choose how she will view and cope with the situation.    While having been “victimized”, she can decide not to feel like a victim.    She is free to respond as she wills, including forgiving the perpetrator.    She writes the story she will create in her mind about the event.   We write the story first, then act according to our “script”.

            This means that she is free to have an appropriate response, and to let it go and move on, as opposed to dwelling and nursing resentment.  Granted, some situations will lead to hurt, feelings of betrayal, grief, and possibly guilt.  A severe situation will require a period of healing.  But the healing is faster and more complete and empowering when you own your choices.

            The key act you can do in order not to have sticky resentments and nursing anger is to “take no crap” in the first place.   By refusing to take crap, and appropriately standing up for and protecting yourself, you are less likely to retain anger.   


            Because you will have met the situation head-on and handled it in a more effective manner.   Thus it will be, in most cases, done with, or at least, minimized.

            It is the ones who feel powerless – like a victim – who are most likely to dwell and nurse anger, hurt, or resentment.    Feeling helpless to cope, they seethe.   Such seething cannot only destroy relationships over time, but is dangerous to both your mental and physical health.    The stress of retained anger can weaken your immune system and promote a heart attack or other illness.

            By taking no crap and harboring no rage, you are empowered and able to write a story of power and victory rather than one of pain and victimization.   It is very freeing and esteem-boosting to know that you are the author of all your life’s stories.    As author, you determine the story’s outcome.

            Taking no crap and harboring no rage opens the door to your power in the face of adversity.   It is a life stance that you take now, and then act upon as difficult situations arise.    Resolving to take no crap and harbor no rage places you into a positive Tigress power center and gives you a direction for action.

            Go, Tigress!    Act > Let go > Forgive > Move on > Stay Free!
Copyright 2013 Priscilla Wainwright. All rights reserved.




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