Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Read Your Tigress TRUTH Barometer

By:  Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., C.P.C.

            We all have impulses hit us from time to time.    We face choices day by day of all kinds.   How do you decide?

            Your “Truth Barometer” is your understanding of your honest truth, what is right for you.    This assumes, however, that you know yourself well, what really works for or pleases you, and what doesn’t.   The more you truly know yourself, the more accurate your “Truth Barometer” will be, and the more you can trust it.   (Perhaps you can relate it to your “Moral Compass”, your true value system.)

            When faced with an important opportunity or choice, when sorting out the benefits, ask yourself “is this option truly right for me in the long run?, “Will I be really happy or satisfied with the outcome?”,   “Am I REALLY willing to do what it takes to implement this decision?”.

            Multi-level marketing is a prime example.    The vast majority of folks who get into those programs don’t last or succeed.    Why?   Frequently, they were so dazzled by the promise of $$$$ that they didn’t stop to evaluate whether the opportunity was a good fit for their interests, temperament, lifestyle, values, desires, time commitment, or whatever.

            By ignoring their “Truth Barometer”, they ended up wasting previous time and resources, and just experiencing frustration.   It’s usually not that the Opportunity was bogus.   It’s just that for some reasons the “fit” was not right.

            The same can be said for relationships.    For example, tons of girls and women are enticed by a guy with a “bad boy” mystique.    They find him exciting, and he very well may be so – on the surface.    The vast majority, once they get involved, get their hearts broken, or worse, abused.

            Sometimes we’re afraid to bring out the Truth Barometer.    We want to follow our impulses, and fear that a deeper analysis will spoil something for us.    Typically, we aren’t consciously aware of this fear.   Yet acting on it, we ignore the Truth Barometer and barrel ahead.    The Truth Barometer won’t spoil your fun.   It’ll save you from pain and frustration.

            How many decisions have you made, only to end up sad, disappointed, frustrated or hurt?   In how many cases, as you look back on it, would you have chosen differently had you pulled out your Truth Barometer?

            ‘Nuff said.

            Tigress, take the time to really become acquainted with your True Self, your honest desires, skills, talents, gifts, preferences, dislikes, limitations.   The larger and more balanced your understanding of yourself, the more robust and accurate your Truth Barometer will be.

            Ultimately, it all boils down to your ability to trust yourself to act properly in your own behalf.

            Spend the time and energy, Tigress.   You’re worth it!

Rise Up and Roar!!


Copyright 2014 – Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., C.P.C.
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