Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tigress 3 - The Inner Feminine Spirit

By  Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

SPIRIT – “Pneuma”, “breath” – energy, force

FEMININE – Qualities endemic to the female gender (not = “girly”)

INNER – Innate, part of your natural endowments.

            The Inner Feminine Spirit is a host of related, overlapping qualities that come with being born female.    These qualities are just as much a part of womanhood as longer hair, softer skin, menstruation, and menopause.    The hormonal and brain architecture/structure support these qualities and, in part, determine (along with genetics) the manner and degree to which they exist in any given woman.

            There is great difference within the ranks of women as to the extent/degree to which the Feminine Spirit qualities are possessed, experienced and expressed.    This difference is due to natural variation much like any other human qualities.     For example, some people are naturally more empathic than others.   Culture and upbringing clearly have an impact as well in terms of how the qualities of the Inner Feminine Spirit are experienced and expressed.   So, “Nature” and “Nurture” combine in terms of the “amount” and expression of these qualities in one’s life.    “Personality” also affects expression.  They all, however, can be developed further.

            As you read over these qualities, you will notice that men possess them as well.   However, the genders typically express them differently, and to different degrees, again in large part due to differences in biology, hormonal and brain structure, and gender roles in the culture in which the persons are raised.   Sometimes, the differences within the gender are greater than the differences between the genders.

            So…..when I speak of the Inner Feminine Spirit (or the Inner Tigress), I am referring to the uniquely feminine ways in which these qualities are experienced and expressed.    Within most of the qualities, the Female Experience will exceed and/or be different in nature than the male experience of the same quality.     Therefore, in my explanation for each quality, I emphasize the typical Female Mode of expression (knowing there is often great individual difference in experience and expression).

            When it comes to several of these qualities, the male is more left-brained (“intellectual”, detail oriented, strategic), while the woman is more whole-brained.    For example, she is endowed with greater capacity for emotional expression and understanding than most men.    That is in large measure due to the fact that women and men process reason and emotion very differently.

            That said, there is a great richness and radiance to the Inner Feminine Spirit, and the feminine expression of these qualities.    It is on the feminine expression that I will be focusing throughout my writing.


            The Inner Tigress is the optimal, full experience and expression of the Inner Feminine Spirit.    She is the embodiment of the penultimate, total full richness of experience and expression of Female Radiance, Power and Glory.    She is the metaphor for the complete flowering of your Inner Feminine being – and loving being – fully female.

            Again, let me reiterate that “Feminine” in the way I use the term never equates with “girly”.   “Girly Girls” and “Tomboys” can both be fully “feminine” in terms of being in touch with their Inner Tigress,  experiencing and expressing the inner powers, qualities, and nature that goes with being born (or recreated) female.

            Now “Girly” and “Tomboy” girls will express themselves in very different ways in dress and behavior, but they both may have a well-developed Inner Tigress.



·      RADIANCE – Inner beauty and glory that shines forth when released – highly visible.

·      COURAGEOUS – Powerful beyond measure – (Female Power) – power innate – drawn thru the rest of the qualities.

·      AUTHENTIC – She lives her truth without compromise, with integrity and congruence.

·      RESILIENT – Optimistic, she bounces back, nothing holds her down.

·      ASSERTIVE – Rise up to protect the cubs, fight for justice and truth, self-determined.

·      NURTURANT – Caring, compassionate, loving, giving, responsive.

·      CONNECTED – Cooperative, draws power thru the “collective field”, evolutionary partnerships/relationships.

·      EMOTIONAL – Uses feeling as data and vital part of internal experience, expressive of feeling.

·      INTUTIVE – Senses, gut impression, inner wisdom

·      SPIRITUAL – Innate spiritual connection to the  “Powers of the Universe”,  “Goddess Within”, (not necessarily “religious”).

·      INFLUENTIAL – Affects and shapes others – key power source.

·      EMPATHIC – Intuits and feels the experience of another, intellectually and gut, feels for needs of others.

·      SENSUAL – Sexual and related energy, passionate, artistic.

·      WISE – Beyond “intellect” and “knowledge” – women’s ways of knowing.

·      INTENTIONAL – Lives life with passion, purpose, and determination.    She is clear on what is important to her, and on the inner yearnings she will birth into reality.

       Women are, by definition,  Trustees for Beauty,  Love, and  Connection in
       the  world.

Check out this weeks issue of Simply Woman    www.simplywoman.com

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