Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Meet Your Inner Tigress

Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

            If you’re down on yourself, lack courage, frequently second-guess yourself, are plagued with self-doubt and self-criticism, have a history of abuse, or are overly deferent or submissive, or don’t recognize your true outer and inner beauty, chances are you Have Yet To Meet Your Inner Tigress!

            Perhaps you have had fleeting glances of her padding through the jungle of your life.    She would appear for brief moments, and then disappear again into the underbrush.    You would stare in wonder, but never be sure when she would appear again.

            She would show up for brief moments, and then be gone again in a flash, and you never knew who or what she truly was.    Perhaps you stood in awe of her beauty and power, but she was gone again before you could fully appreciate her or take it all in.

            Well, Sister, you are about to embark on a magnificent adventure.  In the midst of your jungle, there is a clearing, - a peaceful, quiet space.

            Your Inner Tigress awaits you there.     She is beckoning to you at this very moment.    She is longing to embrace you, enter you, fill your spirit, and live through you.

            She is both your Champion and Inner Goddess.    She loves you, believes in you, and desperately desires to empower you to live fully as the totally magnificent, glorious woman you were born and meant by your creator to be.

            You and she were together at your birth and in your early years.   Yet over the years, she was denied, pushed away and driven off through the grueling, often subtle oppression of typical female acculturation in our patriarchal society.    Belittling, bullying, and abuse have pushed her even deeper into the jungle.

            Subconsciously, the Patriarchy fears the Inner Tigress.    Therefore, over the ages, it has developed mores, standards, and images for women that limit and banish her.    The result?    Many – if not most – women lose the sense of their Inner Tigress.    They become separated from her.    They grow up with a truncated, limited, incomplete sense of self.    Incomplete because the Inner Tigress lies dormant, under-developed or caged.   Most women today lack the sense of their magnificence which their Inner Tigress embodies.  Thus the Tigress wanders in the woman’s inner jungle, revealing herself all too rarely.    Then, guess what.     YOU leave before SHE can fully embrace you and bless you with all the gifts she can and wants to bestow!

            Well, Tigress Sister, it’s about time you and she become reacquainted.    After all, she’s been loving you from afar, dreaming of the moment that you will reunite.

            NOW is that moment.


She’s an amazing creature of Glorious Beauty.

Her lair lies deep within your Subconscious,
She lies at the heart of your Soul.

She is your Sacred Feminine Spirit.
She is the Eternal Mother and Woman within you.
She nurtures the cubs
She rises full length and strength
To defend and protect her own.

No love is too deep,
No challenge is too great.

She is the source of your Beauty,
   Your Character,  
                      Your Strength.

She is the key to your Liberty.

          LOVE her…….
        HONOR her………
                                 NURTURE her………

And she will reward you with Riches beyond measure!


             More on the Tigress in the next few Blogs.    Meantime, Check out  the current edition of  

             Watch for our big Halloween Sale on!!!!

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