Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Here's Where Female Empowerment TRULY Begins

By:    Priscilla Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

PREMISE – We can never be fully empowered by growing stronger in the male values and methods prevalent in the current society – They are touted by both men and women alike as “the way things are”.    Therefore, we don’t question them.

Female empowerment does NOT begin with self esteem.    Rather it starts with recognizing and embracing the True Divine Feminine – the qualities about us that are truly female – your inner feminine nature and spirit, which I dub “The Inner Tigress”.

Most women today have only a cursory, culturally based understanding of what, beyond physical anatomy, makes us truly “FEMALE”.    “Female” has been denigrated, perceived as “weak”, abused, not taken seriously.    Many women have lost touch with, and need now to re-meet their Tigress.

The male model, which has served us well only up to a point, cannot possibly take us across the river into the Promised Land of Full Female Power.    The male game was made up by males and serves them well.   It is in many ways testosterone based and fits the functions of the left-brained male structure.   It was constructed to give them the advantage, and most of us cannot compete to maximum effect when men have the “home court advantage”.    Which, of course, raises an interesting question which usually only women would ask,   “Should we be competing at all?”

Back to self-esteem – we women will never fully attain full appreciation of our true glory as long as we attempt to grow “self-esteem” by working within the male model, or using patriarchal based definitions and ways of understanding “femininity”, or feeling that, in some way, being female is “lesser”.

Ultimate female empowerment – and glory – only comes thru truly reconnecting with the Inner Tigress.    Only the Tigress can lead you to the Promised Land.    You can only reach full empowerment as a woman when you can identify, know, appreciate, and operate within the unique feminine power bases.    You can’t change what you can’t see.     You can’t capitalize on it or grow it either.

So our first task is to discover the Tigress, and see her in the full context of female power. 

MEET YOUR INNER TIGRESS HERE!  I've just covered the 5 Unique Female Power Sources (See my last 5 Blogs.) Now it's time to meet your Tigress.  She will be the topic of my next several Blogs.  Please join me here for our journey to bring the Tigress front and center.


Don't miss this week's issue of Simply Woman.  www.simplywoman.com.  There's a really good article on success on your terms.

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