Friday, October 11, 2013

The 5 Unique Sources of Female Power (which men cannot duplicate!) - Part 5

By:   Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

The Fifth and final Power Source in our series is of a different nature than the previous four.    This springs mainly from the heart and spirit.   I’m speaking of women’s –


            Two factors are involved in Higher Calling.    The first is Female Spirituality.    We women are typically more spiritual than men.   (I am making a distinction between “Spiritual”, being in touch with the Divine and elemental forces of Nature and the Universe, vs “Religious”, having to do with dogmas, doctrines, and rules, which is an inherently “masculine-based” way of understanding and connecting with the Divine.)

            The second aspect is that women are natural “servers”.     As a rule, we’re great at and desire doing for others.   Often we take that “Mother Energy” too far.   We can serve others so much that we lose ourselves in the process, fail to set healthy boundaries, “define” ourselves through our serving, and burn out.

            Higher Calling has nothing to do with over-serving, which is a common pathological feminine flaw.   Over-serving has its own dynamics which are beyond the scope of this blog.

            Rather, Higher Calling refers to our natural tendency to want to do good.    It ties to the deep inner yearnings that many women experience but which for many women lie dormant and unfulfilled.    It is the desire to nurture, embrace, support, and make a significant impact in the world in ways specific to the desires and proclivities of the particular women involved.

            Clearly, not every woman has these inner stirrings, but, down deep, most women yearn to make a significant impact in making their world a better place.    This may show itself through such manifestations as starting a business or non-profit, volunteering, being active in associations or causes, or going out of your way to provide for loved ones and improve their lives.

            Higher Calling manifests through those inner stirrings, those daydreams about sharing our talents and skills, those “wouldn’t it be wonderful if…” thoughts, and our passions and interests.

            The biggest enemies of Higher Calling are fear and those patriarchal and other messages that say “you can’t do that”, or “girls can’t….” or “what if they don’t like me?”     All these messages promote Invisibility and Self-Doubt and Loathing that I hear so many women complain about.    How to break free of those shackles is the stuff of future blogs.   [Here’s a preview:  The critical skills for self love are “CAN”:    self-Compassion, self-Appreciation, and self-Nurturance.]

            When Passion combines with Direction and Intention, we are unstoppable!    The Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by the Western woman”.     We have entered the Millennium of the Woman.    It is our turn, and a groundswell of Female Empowerment is rumbling across the globe.   Our opportunities, both socially and technologically, have never been greater, not only for expression of our Higher Calling, but also for support in birthing our dreams into reality.

            What Calling are you pregnant with?    What burdens or joys for making a difference lie within your heart?   What dreams do you wish to birth into reality?

            The place is where you are, the time is now.

            Dig deep,    Listen to those inner stirrings.    Your Inner Tigress is arousing from slumber, stretching and flexing her muscle to arise in full power!

            Rise up and ROAR!


            The Inner Tigress is my model for the Inner Feminine Spirit.      Many of us have lost touch with her through growing up in a patriarchal culture, awash with messages that diminish feminine attributes and being female, abuse, etc.

            It is time to reconnect with your Tigress and experience the full power and radiance of the Female.

            The Tigress will be introduced in future blogs.    Watch for her.

            Detailed information on reconnecting with and manifesting your Inner Tigress can be found in the Core Training of “Women of Style and Glory”, our online community at

            Also, see for my article on "7 ways to command the respect you deserve".

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