Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The 5 Unique Sources of Female Power (which men cannot duplicate!) - Part 4

By:   Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

As we move on to the fourth Power Source, we shift gears somewhat.   The Big Three – Emotion, Intuition, and Empathy aid in your success effecting Source 4.


            “You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone.”    I don’t know who uttered these words of wisdom, but they are so true.    All success is social.

            Male “power” is typically Vertical:  Top-down.   Female “power” on the other hand is Horizontal:   hand in hand, mutual, granted by your involvement in the Collective Field.

            In short, your power is enhanced through the support of other women (and men, too).

            We women are built for connection.    Ever notice that we can’t go to the Ladies’ Room without a support group?   While guys are more competitive and individualistic, we, as a whole, are more connected and cooperative.   When we girls are stressed, nothing calms our nerves more than “venting” to our girlfriends.   Oxytocin, Dopamine and other “feel good” hormones are actually secreted in the female brain when we start talking.    Talking reduces female stress; sex and shutting down reduce male stress.    Go figure.

            There are 3 important levels of connection.    The first, of course, is colleagues or associates.    These are your business or social network connections.    These may be co-workers, business, professional, or association-member contacts.    Often these are what I call “instrumental relationships”, or connections that exist for personal or mutual gain.

            The second level is Girlfriends.    These friendships may be life-long or recently formed.   The nature, meaning, and depth of the relationship varies with who the other person is. (Some Guy-Girl friendships may fit in this category as well.)

            On the whole, though, your Girlfriends are your cheerleaders.    These are “feel good” friendships.   Mostly, your Girlfriends will do things with you, hang out with you, be shopping buddies.    They exult with your highs, listen to your lows and encourage you.    Mostly, they will tell you what you want to hear.

            The greatest benefit and blessing comes from Level 3, Synergistic Partnerships.    Synergistic Partners are very likely to be very few in number.    They’re the curmudgeons in your life.    They’ll hold up the mirror.    They always tell you the truth even if it hurts.   They’re honest, forthright, and authentic with you.    That’s because they love you.   Hopefully, you do likewise with them.   That’s where the “synergistic” comes from.

            Girlfriends help you feel good.   Synergistic partners help you grow!

            Sometimes Synergistic Partnerships grow naturally out of long-term girl friendships.   More often, they come via invitation.    You have a special friend who is very forthright, speaks her truth, and isn’t afraid to confront you.    Such a person is your best choice.

            How do you go about creating synergistic partnerships?    That is all covered in my Blog post  Girlfriends….And More, Part 2, which is saved in my blog cue.    See below.

Simply Woman ezine just published my article "7 ways to command the respect you deserve."  Here's the link.   BTW, you'll love Simply Woman. Great articles on a wide range of topics.

We're getting closer to Female Friday! Yippee!!

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