Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The 14 Tigress Habits

By Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

            The well-developed Tigress is clear about the life she wants to create and is highly intentional in how she shows up daily in her world.    She naturally and consistently lives out the following principles and practices in her daily life.

The Tigress:

1.         Is AUTHENTIC……She lives her truth through every action.    She shows up to life congruent in word and deed.    She is courageous and accepts the risks associated with being honest.

2.         ACCEPTS and LOVES HERSELF AS SHE IS, including her femaleness.   She knows who she is and is comfortable in her own skin.   She cares for and nurtures herself well and meaningfully.

3.         Is POSITIVELY ASSERTIVE.   She rises up full length and strength to assert her rights and defend her loved ones.    She owns whatever space she is in and feels totally right to be there.   She respects the rights of others.

4.         HARBORS NO RAGE, TAKES NO CRAP.  Because she stands up for herself, she has no need for anger nor resentment.

5.         LIVES IN THE PRESENT.  (The only place where her power lies.)   She does not fear the future nor hang onto the past.

6.         DISPLAYS HIGH CHARACTER as an EXAMPLAR.    She is a leader and behaves as an example for others to follow.    She is responsible, shows up, and follows through.

7.         CONTRIBUTES.   She shares her gifts, time, talents and treasure to, and draws power from, the community.   (Her power is multiplied and fulfilled in connection with others – the “collective field”.)    She is a good steward of what has been entrusted to her.

8.         SETS HEALTHY BOUNDARIES.    She is caring, compassionate and helpful to others.   At the same time, she knows her limits and is comfortable saying “no” when necessary.

9.         Is KIND, CARING, COMPASSIONATE, AND CONNECTED.   She can sense the needs of others, forms solid relationships which are mutually beneficial.    She is helpful to others in need and passionate for good in the world.   She is kind in her dealings, even when she needs to be firm.

10.       Is RESILIENT.     She remains ultimately calm and unflappable under stress.    She tackles her difficulties and overcomes.

11.       LIVES IN BALANCE.    She balances work, play, and other duties and activities in a healthy, regenerative manner.

12.       ASKS BOLDLY and RECEIVES GRACIOUSLY.   She is comfortable with asking for what she needs and desires, and with receiving both compliments and appropriate gifts and favors.

13.       Is INFLUENTIAL.    She uses power strategically, assumes a leader role, and speaks her opinion in healthy, useful ways.

14.       Is PASSIONATE.    She voices her inner yearnings and fuels action to bring them to fruition in her life and in the world.    She cares deeply for that which is important to her.

For most of us, there is a bit of a learning curve here.  We are all works in progress and I'm sure most of us fall short on some of the areas above.  Some of the above are descriptions of how we show up now. The rest are targets to shoot for.

These Habits and other Tigress qualities and behaviors will be the target of Core Training, webinars and other articles and events in Women of Style and Glory, the interactive online community of www.ScarvesStyleAndGlory.com.   Join today and get support on your path of growth.


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