Friday, October 25, 2013

The Tigress - Key Core Qualities

By:   Priscilla Wainwright

(See the Special Notice at the bottom of the Blog)

The well-developed Inner Tigress will display in her unique way, the following qualities:

First and foremost, she is RADIANT.    Her presence lights up the room.    Her energy can be felt.    There is a magnetic quality about her, and perhaps because of her radiance, an air of mystery.

She is FULLY AUTHENTIC.    She clearly knows who she is and is confortable in her own skin.    She consistently lives her truth.    She has no axe to grind and has no reason to be defensive.    She is her own person to the world.    She loves herself completely in healthy ways and accepts herself as she is, as a person of worth and glory.

Through her authenticity, she has set reasonable and positive BOUNDARIES.    She is kind, compassionate, generous and giving.    She also knows how and where to say “No” and is clear on the limits she has set on her action and involvement.    She maintains a healthy balance between caring for the needs of others and self-nurturance.

The Tigress loves being FEMALE.    She fully embraces and lives into and through her feminine qualities.    She has well developed, and exercises her power through, the 5 female power sources:    Emotion, Intuition, Empathy, Connection, and Higher Calling.

The Tigress is PASSIONATE and INTENTIONAL – Her passion fuels her sense of purpose for being in this world.  She has a large world view, has burdens on her heart and inner yearnings to create goodness and leave her personal mark on the world.    Whether it is a cause or project that affects large numbers of people, or improvement in her workplace and/or family, or anything in between, she births her dreams into reality.    She is clear on her direction,  active, persistent, hangs in there, and makes great things happen.

The Tigress is searingly COURAGEOUS.   She openly speaks her truth.   She will rise up to protect her own and defend against or attack injustice and wrong-doing.   She has no desire to challenge nor offend, but is not afraid to buck public convention or opinion when such is in conflict with her truth and values.    She refuses to conform or knuckle under when doing so would compromise her authenticity.    She has the courage of her convictions and takes effective action!

Due to all of the above qualities, she is RESILIENT.   She has an optimistic view of the world, life, and the Universal Powers That Be.    She recognizes setbacks as temporary.    Rather than worry or feel hopeless when difficulties or tragedies arise, she steps outside her pain and frustration and finds opportunities for growth and potential blessings therein.    Like the proverbial cork in the water, she bounces to the surface and handles the situation appropriately.     You can’t keep a great girl down!

Clearly, there are many more qualities which a well-developed Tigress will manifest, such as Happiness, Love, Effectiveness, Generosity, Optimism, Persistence, &c.     We could go on and on.   However, most of the additional qualities she demonstrates derive from the ones described above.


Steven Covey wrote the best-seller, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People".   Well,  next Tuesday you will get to see  "The 14 Habits of Highly Effective Tigresses". These habits are really the core attitude/action set of truly empowered women.  Please join me here next Tuesday.

Qualities are just that.  They are the grounding for how we show up in life and what we show up with. Habits are repeated behavior sets that put the qualities into action.

Ohmigosh!!!!  I ended a sentence above with a preposition!!  What a grammatical faux pas!  Winston Churchill would roll over in his grave. He once said, "Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put."  (<.....>)


Huge HALLOWEEN Sale next week on

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Wed. Oct. 30 - Sat. Nov. 2

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