Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tigress 4 - "Rise Up And ROAR"


                                                                        To claim your true worth……..
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To proclaim your inner glory…..
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To release your pain……..
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To drown your fear……
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To shatter your chains…….
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To transcend your past……
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To strengthen your spirit……
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To assert your equality…….
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To seize your freedom…….
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To free your Tigress……
                                                                                                Rise up and roar.

                                                                        To fulfill your womanly destiny……

                                                                                    RISE UP AND ROAR ! ! ! !


                                                                               PRISCILLA A. WAINWRIGHT, Ph.D., CPC

© Priscilla A. Wainwright.   All rights reserved                


By:   Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

            When you “Rise Up and Roar”, you are emptying your inner frustration, pent up over the years.

            You are asserting your (1) PRESENCE – you are here: world take notice.    You are coming out of the background, no longer invisible nor blending in.    You are stepping into the light of day and claiming your rightful space.

            You are asserting your (2) FREEDOM – you are throwing off the shackles of oppression, being objectified, being subservient to others’ will.    You own your own personhood.    You accept and relish the fact that you are a wonderful, unique, beautiful, powerful creature in your own right.    No longer a “slave”, you are FREE TO COOPERATE.  You may still serve, but you do so by choice – willfully - as your FREE expression of your love, not as your preprogrammed role.

            You are asserting your (3) EQUALITY – you are no longer a lesser being, a second-class citizen.    All of us are worth it - all equal in worth and value, regardless of differing talents, skills, and assets.    You are FREE to partner as equals, contributing your unique assets, skills and talents, as desired, to whatever enterprise – family, friends, business, and/or community.

            NOTE THIS:     There is no inherent anger in the roar.   By roaring, - asserting your presence, freedom and equality – you actually transcend and release anger.   You can let anger go.   Anger is the result of hurt, oppression, feeling out of control.    Proper assertion is not aggressive – true freedom transcends the desire to punish.   (If I wish to punish or get even, I am not truly free.    My emotions are still hooked.    I am still a prisoner of the object of my anger, because emotionally I’m still hung up on that person, circumstance, or whatever.)

            While anger may occasionally motivate us to action, anger is not the source of our power.    Our Inner Spirit is – your “Inner Tigress”.   She is at once Powerful, Independent, yet Nurturing and Cooperative.    She finds her power both in herself and in her community, and in the Divine.

            Because Tigresses are powerful and positively assertive, they have no enemies.   They may need to struggle, but they do not harbor hatred in their hearts.    If they struggle, it is to claim their independence, not to defeat, belittle nor destroy.

Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC, is an empowerment coach for women on the rise.    She is founder of www.ScarvesStyleAndGlory.com, which sells scarves and offers  free style tips, style and empowerment coaching and The Women of Style and Glory Membership.       She may be contacted through her website or by e-mail at pris@scarvesstyleandglory.com.

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