Friday, February 28, 2014

FIND AND FULFILL YOUR DESTINY - Part 2: 6 Foundational Questions - and Steps

By:   Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

There  are 3 Key Questions that help guide and direct our minds and hearts when it comes to discovering and fulfilling our Personal Destiny as women.   They are:

1.     What are your deepest, innermost yearnings?
2.     What is it that God(dess), or the Higher Intelligence in Life, is calling you to do that inspires you?
3.     What needs of others inspire you to joy and action?

In my last post, I spelled these out with suggested ways to begin to process them.    Hopefully, you’ve begun this self-examination process.

Once you have figured out your answer to the Big Three above, you are ready to put structures in place to birth your Feminine Magic into reality.   First, however, there are 6 foundational questions that will prepare you for action and guide your first steps from a fully Feminine Power perspective.

These questions, by the way, do not relate just to the Big Three, but also to any goal or intention you set for yourself.   They bring forth special feminine ways of preparing and fortifying yourself for action.

1.     What would it LOOK like to be realizing your own greatest potential?

Close your eyes.  Visualize yourself having birthed your intention into reality.   Involve all
your senses:   sight, sound, touch, etc.   Make this image of the future as real and authentic as you can in your mind’s eye.   The more you visualize the “finished project” in motion, the more your Subconscious will adopt it as real and draw your behavior in that direction without your thinking about it.   The more motivated and committed you will become.
      Step 1.  Get a clear vision of your final outcome.  Spend a few moments visualizing it at the start of every day.

2.     What would it FEEL like to be realizing your own greatest potential?

You may combine this question with the one above.   Bring ALL your feelings, both physical
and emotional, into the process.   This adds to the image’s power, and strengthens the bond with your subconscious and your motivation and resilience. Feelings are a very potent Female Power Base.   Involve them fully in this process.
       Step 2.  Include your feelings in the Image above.  Let yourself soak in the feelings just like soaking in a warm bubble bath.

3.     Who would I need to be to begin to create this?

This is a particularly feminine question.   This is about who and what you are versus what
you’re doing.  What personal qualities would you need to be exercising to give birth to your passion?  Courageous, loving, generous, determined, focused, connected perhaps.   Decide those Tigress qualities and start exercising your feminine “muscle” here.   If you need to develop some of those qualities more to be more effective, start doing so.   If you need assistance, coaching or therapy can help.
      Step 3.  This is the Inner Work portion.  Determine if there are personal qualities you would need to strengthen in order to move forward with focus, determination and courage. Put a plan in place to develop those qualities, and start acting the plan.

4.     What is the growth I would need to commit to in order to fully birth my dream?

“Growth” can take several forms:   knowledge, new skills, or qualities that you identified
above in the prior question that need to be developed more.   Growth can also involve letting go and delegating some of the tasks that you may find hard or unappealing.   So many of us are used to doing it all ourselves.   By so doing, we may be slowing ourselves down or getting lost in the Jungle of Overwhelm.
      Step 4.  This is the Outer Work portion.  Carefully and clearly determine and define your development plan.  Make it stepwise and developmental. When the plan is in place, put it in motion.  BTW, there is no need to wait till Step 3 is complete before starting Step 4. Working Step 4 will actually reinforce your growth in Step 3.

5.     What are the resources I need?

“Resources” can be material, human, and financial.   Maybe you need a certain space, or
new tools or equipment.   Maybe you need information resources.   Perhaps you need a Virtual Assistant or Partner that can complement you with the skills you lack, or provide just needed extra womanpower.   Need money?   How much?
      Step 5.   Determine the resources and the sources you can draw upon to obtain them. Put a plan in place to obtain them and get moving.

6.     What support do I need from Others?

Here’s where the Feminine Power of the collective field comes into play.   Look to your
connections to help you supply the resources you need.   Don’t just stop after using the collective field for the resources you listed above.   Moral support is also important.   Perhaps you need coaching, or maybe an accountability partner to help keep you on track.   Maybe you need a Mastermind Group or a “Board of Directors” to provide checks and balances, new ideas, a wider perspective.    Whatever.
     Step 6.   Create a support network, and bring on an accountability partner. It could be a coach, or a close girlfriend, or your life partner.  Commit to share your progress with her or him, and agree to let that person hold you accountable for deadlines and actions.  Invite your network’s feedback, and listen well.

            Again, I suggest writing out your answers and start systematically getting busy step by step.  That will be the subject of my next Blog.

            You Rock, Tigress!

            Rise Up and ROAR!

(The 6 questions themselves come from Zammit, C and Thomas, K. Feminine Power-Destiny Course.

© 2014….Copyright by Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

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