Tuesday, February 18, 2014

IDENTITY - How Do You Answer The 2 Defining Questions - Part 2

By:   Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

            Now comes the Second Question:  “Why Are You Here?”

            So many people today are struggling to find their purpose and/or mission in life.

            I contend that your purpose – and why you are here in this specific time and place – is predetermined.   What’s more, the purpose is the same for every one of us!

            You are here because you are a necessary part of the Divine Plan.

            The purpose of life for all of us is, broadly,

                                                To Love
                                                To Learn
                                                To Grow
                                                To Give

            You were created with unique talents, skills, and experiences so that you could use those  – in your own special way. – to improve your part of the world and leave it better than you found it.

            We are all designed to be stewards of the gifts we have been given.   Our gifts are meant (A) for our own enjoyment and benefit, and (B) to give back to improve your space and to help others:

            To paraphrase Theresa of Avila, “God(dess) has no eyes but yours, no feet nor hands, but yours”.

            We have been placed here to act as co-creators with the Divine in the betterment of the world!

            Now what about you specifically?   What are your unique gifts, talents and skills?   What inner yearnings rest within your breast?   What inner dreams do you wish to birth into reality, to manifest?

            We women are all about birthing and fostering.   It’s what we’re created for, Tigress!   To the degree that you’re living into the Universal Truth, you are freer and more empowered to make your inner yearnings come to pass.

            Dig deep within.   Get in touch with your deeper passions.   The happiest and most effective people live with passion, contribute generously of time, talent and treasure, and give back.   Generosity builds resilience and optimism as well as personal happiness, satisfaction, and meaning.

            Givers gain, and lead lives of no regret.    They are at peace with themselves when the final curtain closes, knowing that they have done well, and that God(dess) will reward them with the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”.

            Also, Rabbi Hillel once commented, “It is not necessary to complete your mission in your lifetime.   What is necessary is that you begin it.”

            So, Tigress, Why are you here?”

© 2014    Priscilla A. Wainwright - All rights reserved.

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