Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The 5 Unique Sources of Female Power - (which men cannot duplicate!) - Part 1

By:  Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC

                  There are 5 qualities that are naturally especially strong in women by virtue of the unique structure of the female brain.    These qualities are built in by virtue of being born female.    They are your Feminine Birthright

Granted, any individual woman may experience them in various ways with differing
levels of depth.    They can, however, be developed in my coaching, and on my site, ScarvesStyleandGlory.com.    I work with women to optimize them in their lives.

As I pointed out in my previous Blog, to be fully empowered as a woman, you need to
embrace and express fully the Inner Feminine Spirit, of which these qualities form a foundation.

1.     EMOTION:

This is a very powerful source of our strength and intelligence, and one which most men, and many women as well, do not understand.

Male chauvinist, Henry Higgins, expressed the typical attitude of men, although he was, admittedly, “over the top”.    “Women are irrational!    That’s all there is to that.   Their heads are full of cotton, hay and rags.”  (My Fair Lady)

Let’s not forget, men typically fear women’s emotion, so the Patriarchy denigrates it.

What so often comes to mind at first blush when we think of “female emotion” are crying jags and anger outbursts.    This is NOT what I mean by “emotion”.   Crying jags and tantrums are not expression of feminine power.   They actually weaken our position in others’ eyes.   However, because we are so close to our feelings, many women resort to these in order to fight, manipulate, or control.

By “EMOTION”, I am referring to our feeling nature.   The woman’s brain processes reason and emotion in very close physical areas.   It’s as if we process Reason in Minneapolis and Emotion in St. Paul, and the connection between them is an 18 lane superhighway.    (The Corpus Callosum which connects the right and left brain hemispheres is actually quite a bit thicker in the female brain than in the male brain.   This facilitates the greater connection we women experience between reason and emotion.)

Unlike for men, who try to suppress feelings, women naturally use feelings as sources of data, while the Patriarchy (out of fear as well as misunderstanding) devalues emotion.    It is integral to the female experience of life.    We should not deny feeling but embrace it as a key part of living in the world.    Sadly, however, too many women, poisoned by the Patriarchy, devalue feeling.   By doing so, they cut off not only much of life’s richness, but also a key source of female wisdom.

So……..if “rational” is the pathway to “wisdom”, then women are more rational than men.    By adding emotion as data, we actually have a richer “wisdom” than one which is arrived at by “reason” alone.

“Emotion” is also very helpful in decision-making, particularly when a “gut reaction” is an important consideration in the final outcome, and when other people are involved.    Left-brain “reason”, combined with right-brain “emotion” makes for a more well-rounded and effective decision with better aftereffects.

A caveat is in order here.  Our feelings do not always accurately represent the “truth”.    Feelings are subject to fluctuation, triggered by mistaken ideas, incorrect perceptions, or negative attitudes.    Our specific feelings may lead us to incorrect conclusions.    “Emotion”, the fact and nature of feeling, however, is a viable and vital female power source.    This is especially true when emotion is managed well.

Time to stop for today.   I will pick up on the rest of the Power Sources tomorrow in my next Blog.


Check out Crystal Andrus,  www.simplywoman.com.  Great information in her ezine.

ALSO  Check out THE GLORY MEDITATION  on www.ScarvesStyleAndGlory.com.  It will lead you into a deep state of relaxation which will reduce your stress. Then it floods your mind with powerful affirmations and other positive messages and imagery to help you release and express your Feminine Radiance.     Find it under our Featured Product tab.  It is FREE to Women of Style and Glory community members.

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