Friday, January 3, 2014

7 Female-Friendly Ways To Make 2014 Your Best Year Ever

By  Priscilla A. Wainwright,  Ph.D, CPC

Girl, it’s a few days into January.  Has the motivational dust begun to settle yet?  This time of year we get so bombarded with motivational hype.

We make a big deal over New Years.  We make all kinds of promises, we turn over new leaves – and by February 18, they’ve all turned to mush, right?

Well, I’m proposing a SANE, Woman-Friendly way to make this year your best ever.
Here we go!

1.     Forget resolutions and goals.  These tend to be fixed and time-limited.  So often we set them as targets, but we have no specified daily plan to get there.  We too often rely on Dumb-Ass Magical Thinking to make them come true.  So, forget it.
2.     Set powerful Intentions.  Intentions have more to do with your destiny, your direction and path in life.  Rather than say, “I’m going to lose 10 pounds by Valentine’s Day”, and starving yourself, say, “I’m dedicated to improving my physical and mental health”, or words to that effect.

Goals are about Achievement and Accomplishment.  They’re a very Male-Model way of approaching change.  They’re fine to have, and in some endeavors they’re essential.  But for a woman’s personal purposes, Intentions are often better.  Intentions are about Growth and Development.  While goals are time-limited and deadline-oriented, Intentions are Ongoing and Developmental.

Goals push us; Intentions pull us and honor movement at our own pace.  Both, however, have a certain imperative about them, of course, but the imperative of Intentions is female-friendly and honors a woman’s personal style and movement.

3.     Think developmentally.  Honey, we are all “Works In Progress”.  It’s a much saner, female-friendly way of approaching life.

If I really want to scare myself and paralyze action, all I have to do is think of all I “have to” accomplish this year.  Then I pressure myself, worry, and lose sleep.  Want chronic anxiety?  The best way is to live in the future in your head all the time and concern yourself with being/doing perfect.  That’s the recipe for feeling overwhelmed.

Want a cure for overwhelm?  Shift mental gears and just focus on the next step!  Step by step you’ll get there!

“Development” is ongoing and honors each step.  It takes pleasure and satisfaction in the process itself.

I’ve peak-performance coached so many athletes and businesspeople who suspend their satisfaction with practice until the outcome.  If they win or do well, then they let themselves feel satisfaction in the prep work after the fact. The Development mindset lets you feel satisfaction in small, daily gains. It lets you find Joy in the Journey.

4.     Embrace the Larger Truth that the Universe conspires to do you good, that you are loved by the Cosmos, who is waiting for you to happen.  The Universe, as well as your friends, family, and colleagues, - and your Intentions – are the Wind Beneath Your Wings.

Truly, you are a Treasure Trove of talents, capabilities, skills, wisdom, and great qualities.  Your mood is determined by your focus.  Therefore….

5.     Stop criticizing yourself; start complimenting yourself.  Focus on what you have, not what you lack.  Notice how your positive qualities play out in your life.   Take time to stop and appreciate yourself and your true Beauty and Glory.  You are Glorious, Girlfriend.  Act accordingly, whether you see it or not. Your true radiance will shine brighter.

6.     Write out a Power Statement embracing your intentions and the Larger Truth.  Make it strong with emotionally compelling language.  Post it in several places that you frequent often and where you’ll see it, eg., your bathroom mirror, your computer, your kitchen perhaps.  Read it several times daily. Perhaps record it and play it back to yourself.

Here’s an example.  “I am a gifted and inspired writer and coach. The Universe conspires toward my success. I am loved by God(dess) and protected.  I receive just what I need when I need it, and the world longs for what I have to offer.  I manifest wealth in many forms and am wondrously blessed, and am a blessing to others….”  Funny how it works.  The more you think this way, the more the statement comes true, and the more you attract.

7.     Make this your year of greater self-love and respect, Tigress!  Using all the above tips, dedicate yourself to putting you at the head of your list.  Care for and nurture yourself first and foremost.  Only then can you be your best for the ones you love.

This ain’t any ego trip, Girlfriend.  It’s the way to Sister Sanity!  Say “No” more often, set and keep healthy boundaries, and find ways to nurture your self daily.

You will grow, flourish, and your inner Feminine Radiance and Glory will shine forth with much greater glow!

Welcome, Sister, to 2014!

(Psst….  Let’s not forget that we overestimate what we can get done in a day, and underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.  Also, “New Year” is only a time convention.  What’s really happened on January 1 is that we have just gone from one day into the next, just like every day.  So what!  Does that help?)

About Priscilla

Priscilla has 40 years as a psychologist and life and career coach to women on the rise. She is also Founder of, where Fashion, Style, and Empowerment unite!  She is also owner of, “Where America comes to shop”.- 49 major stores in 1 click! How convenient!

You can get FREE weekly Style Tips on the home page of ScarvesStyleAndGlory.

Pris also has an 8 – session individual Destiny Coaching special going on until January 20th.  Contact her at

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