Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Live Into Your Feminine GLORY

By:  Priscilla Wainwright

            In the 50’s smash hit musical, My Fair Lady, Henry Higgins said of males, “We are a marvelous sex”.

            Well, Henry, I’ll grant that.   But we women go one better.   We’re not just marvelous, Henry dear.    We’re GLORIOUS!

            That’s right – GLORIOUS.

            You’re glorious, sister.   It goes with being female!    It’s your birthright.   It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, your race or ethnicity, your shape, size, height, or looks.     Or, if you’re a natural born woman or transgendered.

            You are GLORIOUS, and created for greatness!    We women have been endowed with wondrous powers.    Our actual brain architecture has been designed and created to give us the skills and strengths to potentially save the world.

            As the Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by the Western woman”.

            The time is right, dear sisters.    We have entered the Millennium of the Woman.     Culture is shifting dramatically, and now it’s OUR TURN to rise, lead, and correct the wrongs of the past – to chart a new course as only women can.
            It’s happening.   The Patriarchy is slowly beginning to come apart at the seams.    The world is ready for a more generative, humane, egalitarian, collaborative structure that we women are poised to provide.

            Much more on these issues in future posts.    What I’m inviting you to do today is to – your current circumstances notwithstanding – imagine yourself as truly glorious in every respect.

            You might close your eyes and visualize yourself that way, or stand erect before your mirror and see that magnificent, glorious woman looking back at you.

            Take time to savor the concept of yourself as Glorious One.

            Now – how might you live out your day inside this image and belief?    How would you manage your time, approach your tasks, relate with others?

            Give it a try.    Play with it and have fun, Woman of Style and Glory!

A word from our sponsor, www.ScarvesStyleandGlory.com.

            Want help defining and living into YOUR innate feminine glory?    Come onto our site and join Women of Style and Glory, our online community.    Since our community is new, you’ll be a Charter Member.    In our Forum, you’ll get personal attention and help, and can help others as well.



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