Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Questions From Beyond

By: Priscilla Wainwright

I have always had a fascination with clinical death experiences.    You know…where people report a brush with the “other side”, and have come back to tell the tale.

I have always been a strong believer, but I must admit I have taken strange comfort in hearing these accounts.   The “hard evidence” of these accounts has brought me peace and affirmed my belief.

Did you know that “clinical death” experiences have been part of recorded history since 300-400 A.D.?   What is fascinating is that, while every account is unique in detail, there are certain similarities that are universal.   These universalities existed across these stores before the media made near-death experiences mainstream.

            The most wonderful universal similarity to me is that invariably the survivors describe the experience as peaceful and comforting.    To a person, they state that after having come back, they have no fear of  death when it finally comes.

            I’m sure you’ve heard the common threads:

·      The person hovers over their body initially.
·      The tunnel with the bright light.
·      “Someone”, - God, a relative, a spirit guide – tells them that it is not their time yet.

Common to many, but not all, is the account of meeting relatives who have gone before.     One account that really gave me chills was the story of a 9 year old girl who was in an accident.    When she came out of her coma, she described being approached by an old lady who spoke lovingly to her.    She described this woman in extreme detail.    Her parents got chills and began to weep.   The child had described her great grandmother, whom she had never met and whose picture she had never seen!

A less frequently reported commonality is where the person meets a “Spirit Guide”.    There have been enough accounts which include meetings with spirit guides to make this aspect credible.    These meetings are routinely described as positive and loving.    In all the spirit guide accounts I have read, the guides have asked either one or both of the following questions:

·      What did you learn about love?
·      How did you use your gifts?

Could this be, in fact, the “Last Judgment” of which Jesus speaks?

At some point, you will meet your “Spirit Guide”.

How will you answer?

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